Coincidence or curse? Timing and shirt are the reason Liverpool lost to Bournemouth!

Liverpool is exposed to a new loss.

Liverpool suffered a new loss in the English Premier League, after visiting Bournemouth in the 27th round of the English Premier League.

That loss was the fourth for the Reds with their second shirt this season out of five games in which the team wore that color.

Liverpool lost to Manchester United, Arsenal, Nottingham and Bournemouth, and drew with Crystal Palace, leaving that shirt without any winning records whatsoever.

Another coincidence that happened to Liverpool in today’s match is that it did not win the fifth match that takes place in the afternoon, out of five matches.

Where he tied with Fulham and Everton and lost from Nottingham and Chelsea, and today’s match against Bournemouth was also the fifth that he did not win at noon this season out of five meetings.

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