Did Messi retire? The truth about his mysterious injury and the fun life he lives in Miami!

There is a very suspicious reality surrounding Messi’s career in recent weeks, which has prompted the media and observers to sound the alarm. Has Messi retired and raised the flag of surrender while awaiting the official announcement?

It seems that the blissful life that Inter Miami was living this season has ended. The calculations for its qualification to the PlayOffs stage are becoming more complicated and its results are getting worse with each match.

All of this is under the watchful eye of their first star, world champion Lionel Messi, who since his return from the Argentine national team camp, where he participated in one match out of two, has been absent from participation due to an injury in his back muscle.

Messi was substituted in the first half of his first match after returning from Argentina, and he appeared tired in an unprecedented way, in a scene that pained all his fans.

Messi’s fans around the world know that the moment Leo starts to feel his back muscle, a never-ending spiral of discomfort and problems will begin because it is his weak point throughout his career, but this time it seems that the injury is getting to this muscle and that the body is really becoming merciless to Leo.

This dilemma faced Hollywood stars, as none of them flocked to Inter Miami Stadium to watch Leo, and the superhero celebrations stopped after every goal, because the big superhero stopped playing.

We no longer see extraordinary goals in the United States, as if Leo achieved the first title for his new club and embarked on a great recreation trip.

Are we being harsh on him? Isn’t he really hurt?

The doubts did not start with us at all, but rather with the American and even international media, which began to doubt the validity of Leo’s injury, and even accused him of using the news of his injury as an excuse not to play, especially after he achieved a title with the club and began to look realistically at the league’s competitions, in which there is no benefit in stressing about it. He was unable to compete at all due to poor previous results.

But the accusations went further than just aiming at Leo. ESPN, for example, pointed out that this injury seemed very suspicious and raised many questions about what Messi is really hiding and about his current life in Miami.

The biggest question is why the Argentine national team and the Miami club alike did not publish any medical report on Leo’s injury. Public opinion remains wavering about the truth of this injury. Is he really injured? And the injury, as was rumored, is very severe and it is difficult for Messi to return to his previous self after that, as it is said that he did not He is severely bruised and damaged and it is difficult to recover from him in time.

At the same time, we find Leo living the best periods of his life in Miami as if he were just a spectator. He appears in comedy interviews, spends time in his children’s academy and watches them play ball. He even enters the Inter Miami stadium as a guest of honor, nothing more and nothing less, as if Messi has already entered into a life of retirement and is completely retired. What awaits him from his career are the tribute matches that will be held for him.

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